Professional /Consulting Services

Treatment for Substance & Other Addictions

Drug Courts are fast becoming the most effective and efficient course of action for substance abusing offenders involved in the criminal justice system. Since the inception of drug courts in 1989, these programs have grown to total approximately 1600 that are currently functioning or in the formal planning process (, 2-25-2006). If constructed correctly, a drug court and a drug court team can reduce the burden on the current system at hand, and lead to a decrease in long-term recidivism for the participants. Additionally, a drug court can save money to the jurisdiction in which it operates and provide an effective tool for supervising and rehabilitating participations into being productive members of the community. If crafted unsuccessfully, a program will provide an undo burden upon the system, while being economically inept.
Our staff, trained by the National Drug Court Institute can help your Drug Court program in the phases of Program Development and Program Enhancement. Whether on the ground floor of the program or while your program is up and running, our consulting services can help benefit your Drug Court program to become more efficient.

Please email us at or call 517-646-6687 for more information.

Drug Court Evaluation

A sound Drug Court Program Evaluation may be the most important and often overlooked part of any Drug Court program. Why? Because an evaluation tells you a couple of things.
#1 Is your Drug Court working effectively and efficiently?
#2 Is your Drug Court achieving the goals that it set out to do?
I’ll never forget meeting a drug court team that was still forming, but had been in operation for a couple of months. When I met them, they said their drug court was working great. I said, “OK, How do you know?” They said, “We just know.” This story is often the case with programs developing across the country. This is why it is important to have an evaluator on board since the inception of the program. A good evaluator is what will aid getting a program funded long past any grant funds. Program evaluators work in conjunction with professors from Western Michigan University.

Please email us at or call 517-646-6687 for more information.

Drug Court Case Management Information System

Our Drug Court Case Management Information System is an amazing tool for any drug court. The Case Management Information System, is hosted via a secured encrypted internet host. The Information System is interactive and accessible to all members of the drug court team via secured login. The information system is fully compatible with 42 CFR part 2 the Federal Guidelines for the Confidentiality of alcohol and drug abuse clients.
The IS is fully customizable to track all information that is needed within your drug court.

Please email us at or call 517-646-6687 for more information.

Substance Abuse Program Development

Our consultation services regarding Substance Abuse Program Development are primarily focused on bringing effective tools such as Cognitive-Behavioral and Motivational Enhancement programming into a Substance Abuse agency. Training is customizable to a programs needs. Using the what works philosophy will better aid and service the needs of the client population.

Please email us at or call 517-646-6687 for more information.

Substance Abuse Program Information System

Our Substance Abuse Program Management Information System is an amazing tool for any substance abuse agency. The Information System, is hosted via a secured encrypted internet host. The Information System is interactive and accessible to all members of the drug court team via secure ed login. The information system is fully compatible with 42 CFR part 2 the Federa Guidelines for the Confidentiality of alcohol and drug abuse clients. The IS is fully customizable to track all information that is needed within your drug court.

Please email us at or call 517-646-6687 for more information.

Cognitive Behavioral Criminal Population Program Development

It is important to be able to treat all offender populations. Cognitive-Behavioral programming can treat offenders of all type. In order to better services court referred populations, in areas like anger management, domestic violence, criminal sexual conduct, economic crime, etc. it is integral to look at the thought process that leads to such behaviors. We can work with programs to help set up and structure programs to fir the needs of these clients.

Please email us at or call 517-646-6687 for more information.

Cognitive Behavioral Workbook

Cognitive Consultants, LLC. is proud to announce the development of a workbook that is geared towards outpatient clients. It is a workbook that combines Cognitive-Behavioral, Motivational Enhancement and Solution Focused approaches. This workbook is self-directed or can be facilitated in n individual or group modality. It is set with 20 lessons for clients to increase their motivation to change the way they think. Hence, challenging their belief systems about what alcohol, drugs and criminal conduct do for them.

Please email us at or call 517-646-6687 for more information.

Speaker's Bureau

Cognitive Consultants maintains a Speaker’s Bureau for professional trainings
and lectures. The primary focus is listed below:

-Drug Courts
-Substance Use, Abuse and Dependence
-Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy with Substance Abusers (Adult / Juvenile focus).
-Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy with Offender Populations
-Using Motivational Enhancement to understand change in Substance Abusers.
-Integral Theory

Please email us at or call 517-646-6687 for more information.

Treatment for Substance & Other Addictions

We provide risk assessment-driven, evidence-based Intensive Outpatient, Outpatient, and Education to address substance use and other addiction disorders. Substance use disorders are treatable!

Domestic Violence Programming

Risk assessment-driven programming to address the beliefs and attitudes underlying domestic violence as well as power and control.

Mental Health Services

Mental illness affects our quality of life and can contribute to other life challenges, such as substance use, legal trouble, and challenges with housing, education, employment, physical health, and other life areas. Our therapeutic services recognize this and work with you to address these co-occurring needs.

Other Services

  • Anger Management
  • Economic Crimes
  • Drug and Alcohol Testing
  • Criminogenic Risk, Needs, & Responsivity
  • Personal Growth
  • Professional Training




Substance Use (including for driver’s license restoration); Mental Health; Domestic Violence; Anger / Aggression; Criminogenic.